2024 Mobility Scooter and Wheelchair Convoy
Join us on Saturday, 14 September, at Scarness Park for the 2024 Mobility Scooter and Wheelchair Convoy.
We aim to break our Australian record of 176 scooters and wheelchairs, set right here on the Fraser Coast.
Registration starts at 8am on the day, but participants can get a head start by picking up a registration form in advance from the Halcro St Community Centre. Fill it out and bring it with you for a smooth registration process.
Embrace the spirit of the 1950s by decorating your mobility scooter or wheelchair and yourself. Enjoy the nostalgic tunes of the era performed by Fred Troughton, making it a fun-filled event for everyone.
This event not only celebrates the independence mobility scooters and wheelchairs provide but also raises awareness of their safe use. Join us in promoting safety and community spirit on the Fraser Coast.
Date: Saturday 14 September, 2024
Time: Registrations start at 8am
Location: Scarness Park
Route: Down the Esplanade, past the playgrounds and skate park, and back to Scarness Park for the ultimate celebration!
What to expect: Entertainment galore and a free sausage sizzle for all participants!
Bring your family and friends to cheer the convoy on from the sidelines!