Heritage Car, Bike, Truck and Machinery Show
GREAT NEWS – Saturday 9th July 2022
Is the new date for our Heritage Car, Bike, Truck and Machinery show.
Is the new date for our Heritage Car, Bike, Truck and Machinery show.
We really didn’t want to let down our many sponsors, exhibitors and supporters so we made a new date as soon as we could.
Ian Pearson is managing the event for 2022. Email ic.pearson@bigpond.com
Overnight camping on the grounds is available this year by arrangement with the Bundaberg Regional Council, a fee for camping applies.
Please note, due to circumstances beyond our control we are not doing the swap meet.
contact Gary on: gschulze1@bigpond.com or Mob: 0488030245 for overnight camping.
contact Gary on: gschulze1@bigpond.com or Mob: 0488030245 for overnight camping.
This is fast becoming one of the most popular events in the area motoring calendar with hundreds of people coming to see the wonderful array of machines.